Home Events From Here to the Future: Transforming Anchorage/Mat-Su Transportation

From Here to the Future: Transforming Anchorage/Mat-Su Transportation

The goal of Alaska Common Ground’s transportation series held March to May, 2017 was to present and discuss ways to improve multi-modal transportation networks within Anchorage, and between Anchorage and the Mat-Su Valley. Additionally, we focused on ways the public can become more engaged in transportation planning and envision improved transportation options for the future. This included the full range of modes of transportation – bicycles, public transportation, walking, ride sharing, and safe and faster transportation between Anchorage, Eagle River, and the Mat-Su. We tailored these discussions to our winter city environment and to include the themes of climate change and our diverse population.

We compiled a final report summarizing the events and offering follow-up recommendations. Alaska-Common-Ground-Transportation-Report-and-Summary-2017.

To start the series, we invited two innovative leaders from other winter cities to come to Anchorage to give public presentations. We followed with three panel discussions by local transportation experts. Rollin Stanley, General Manager of Urban Strategy in Calgary, Canada kicked off the series on March 22 with a public lecture and discussion entitled Technology, Demographics, and Transportation. Mr. Stanley was followed on April 5 by Mayor Paul Soglin, from Madison, Wisconsin.

Three panels of local experts followed. The first panel on April 11 addressed “How does transportation planning work and how do I engage?” On April 25 panelists and audience members discussed ‘Anything but Cars’ looking at non motorized modes of transportation. The series finished on May 9 with a final group of policy makers from Anchorage and the Mat-Su Borough discussing with the audience how to envision and transform our region’s transportation system.

There were many suggestions for next steps for you to get involved in transportation planning.

Ways to get involved with transportation planning:

Technology + Demographics + Transportation
Rollin Stanley, General Manager Urban Strategy, City of Calgary
March 22, 2017 Anchorage Museum Auditorium


Interview on Alaska Public Media

Transportation investments are about the generations that come long after they are made. What impacts do technology and demographics play in guiding these decisions?

A Multi-Modal Transportation System (Winter or Not)
Mayor Paul Soglin, City of Madison, Wisconsin
April 5, 2017 Anchorage Museum Auditorium


Book suggestions from Mayor Soglin:

Panel Discussion: How does transportation planning work and how do I engage?
April 11, 2017 49th State Brewing Company

  • Lois Epstein – Engineer, Former Director of the AK Transportation Priorities Project
  • Jennifer Witt – Former planner, AK DOT&PF Presentation Slides Alaska-Common-Ground-Witt
  • Anne Brooks – Brooks and Associates
  • Jessica Smith – Planner, Mat-Su Borough
  • Moderated by John Parsi – ACG Board Member

Panel Discussion: What we have and what we would like: Public and non-motorized or active transportation
April 25, 2017 49th State Brewing

You can listen to the podcast on Alaska Public Media here.

From here to the future: Policymakers Panel
May 9, 2017

Thank you to our sponsors and partners:

Anchorage Public Library logo


Mar 01 2017 - May 31 2017