Panelists for:
• Emily Anderson is the Alaska Director for the Wild Salmon Center and an attorney who specializes in natural resource law and policy. She has worked in Alaska for the last 13 years and has experience representing the diverse interests of Alaska Native communities, fishing groups, and individuals around the state.
• Tim Troll, Executive Director of the Bristol Bay Heritage Land Trust. Tim Is an attorney who came to Alaska in 1978 as a VISTA volunteer assigned to Bethel. Has lived in Dillingham but now in Anchorage.
Panelists against:
• Clint Campion is a partner with Sedor, Wendlandt, Evans & Filippi, LLC in in Anchorage. He previously spent nine years as a prosecutor for the State of Alaska. Clint came to Alaska while serving on active duty in the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps where he served for nine years. Clint graduated from Marquette University with a B.S. in environmental engineering before attending law school.
• Bob Loeffler, has a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from Stanford University and a Master’s Degree in Regional Planning from Harvard University. He worked at the Department of Natural Resources for 22 years culminating in 7 years as the Director of the Division of Mining, Land and Water. He currently is a partner in Jade North, a small Alaskan consulting firm. His clients include industry, government, and native groups. He works part-time as a professor at the University of Alaska, Anchorage. The views he espouses today are his own and do not represent his clients or the University of Alaska.