An engaged Alaskan democracy

Upcoming Election Information

Alaskans! We made it through the Special Election/Primary in August, now let’s get ready for the General Election on November 8. Please read on for more information, important dates. You can watch our three election informational events on our YouTube Channel including our most recent one on October 18 with some updates.

Your Polling Place might be Different

As a result of redistricting due to the 2020 Census and recent state court rulings, most voting precinct boundaries have changed. This means that your polling place might also have changed. The Alaska Division of Elections mailed out new voter registration cards with the voters’ precincts and polling place locations. Make sure to check your new voter ID card for your polling location before you vote or click on the link below to find it.

Check your polling location

Early and Absentee Voting

Please note that you WILL NOT receive a ballot in the mail unless you request one up to 10 days before the election, so before October 29. Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked by November 8 and received by the Division of Elections by or on November 18 if mailed from Alaska, or November 23 if coming from overseas, to be eligible for counting. Alternatively, there are early in person voting locations which you can find here.

Request an Absentee Ballot here


Important Election Dates

  • October 9: Deadline to register to vote in the November 8 General election. You can register here.
  • October 24: Early in-person voting begins and continue through November 8. You can find those locations here.
  • October 29: Last day to request an absentee ballot. You can request that ballot here.
  • November 8: Regular General Election – Rank UP TO FOUR candidates (the top 4 vote-getters from the August 16 primary) in your order of preference for each seat on the state to the federal levels – including yet ANOTHER vote for a US House candidate to serve a full 2-year term.

Lots more information on the Division of Elections website including how to check your registration.