The Costs of Alaska’s Economic Roller Coaster
Petroleum revenues have benefitted Alaska greatly, but these revenues are highly volatile and largely at the whim of global forces beyond state control. Alaska Common Ground recognizes that to achieve a strong and stable economy our state will need an ongoing income stream large enough to pay for essential state governmental services. This event examined the costs of a start-and-stop economy and the benefits of a stable source of state income.
Moderator: John Tracy
Business – Angela Libal, Owner, Title Wave Books
Banker – Joe Schierhorn, Chairman, President & CEO, Northrim Bank
Labor – Ryan Andrew, Business Representative, IBEW Local 1547
Municipal – Larry Persily, Former Chief of Staff, Kenai Borough
Rural – Greg Razo, VP Government Relations, CIRI
Service – Mark Schneiter, Schneiter & Moad CPAs
Economist Response: Moucine Guettabi, University of Alaska Anchorage Institute of Social and Economic Research
This event was co-sponsored by Title Wave Books, the IBEW Local 1547, the Anchorage Public Library, and the League of Women Voters of Anchorage.
Watch Event Video here: