On the November general election ballot, Alaskan voters will be asked “Shall there be a Constitutional Convention”. At the March 16 board meeting, Alaska Common Ground’s Board of Directors unanimously passed a resolution supporting a “No” vote. Alaska’s Constitution has been held up as a model state constitution that secures our heritage of political, civil and religious liberty. A Constitutional Convention could re-write the entire Alaska Constitution. Groups advocating changes to Alaskan’s elections, judiciary, hunting and fishing rights, rights to privacy, Permanent Fund, and more are already laying out plans for fundamental and extremely controversial changes to our Constitution. These issues will pit Alaskans against each other, with out-of-state individuals and organizations pushing their national agendas that will not be in the best interest of Alaskans. The board is concerned that a Constitutional Convention during these polarized times will be contentious, costly and time consuming. Alaska Common Ground rarely takes positions on issues before the voters, but in the past has opposed a Constitutional Convention for similar reasons. We have joined “Defend Our Constitution”, a nonpartisan and broad-based coalition of Alaskans and Alaskan organizations to urge a “No” vote on this issue.
ACG March 16, 2022, Resolution opposed to a Constitutional Convention