An engaged Alaskan democracy

Forum held in Anchorage to discuss Alaska’s Fiscal Future

By KTVA CBS 11 News 11:56 AM October 5, 2014
ANCHORAGE – Experts from across the state are trying to determine if the decline in oil production puts Alaska’s fiscal future in jeopardy.The Alaska Common Ground hosted a forum Saturday at the Loussac Library to discuss a range of fiscal topics, including the long-term oil decline, education funding, capital projects and the role of the Permanent Fund.

Organizers say they hope Saturday’s forum will get Alaskans thinking about their state’s future and whether a sales or income tax is inevitable down the line.

“We’re looking, though, to the future here,” said John Havelock, former Alaska attorney general. “And there is a certain pessimism because oil revenues are going down. But as I was pointing out, the revenues are not going to disappear, not in any foreseeable future, and the rate of decline gets slower and slower every year.”

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