An engaged Alaskan democracy

Climate Action Plan Sector Series

Alaska Common Ground is continuing our conversation about Anchorage’s Climate Action Plan (CAP) with a series exploring the sectors found in the CAP and going into more depth on how to engage our community in working together towards the goals found in the CAP. All interested Alaskans are welcome to join us.

Alaska Common Ground is sponsoring this series about Climate Change and Anchorage’s Climate Action Plan because we feel it is essential that we, as citizens, must engage to address this global crisis on a local level. In this 3.5 min video, Will Grant clearly and succinctly describes  the 4 levels of action that serve to influence others and effect change.  

Will Grant on Four Levels of Action on Vimeo

Cook Inletkeeper has produced an Alaska based version of this idea with a video explaining “Middle Out” Action. To support this level of action, they have developed community level Climate Action Kits which you can check out here.

Buildings and Energy – Jan 28, 2021

MOA Sector Goal: “Optimize energy use in Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) facilities to save energy and money, and work with private residential and commercial building owners to support safe, healthy and affordable buildings”

Panelists and Moderator:

  • Moderated by Shaina Kilcoyne, Energy and Sustainability Manager, Solid Waste Services, Municipality of Anchorage. 
  • Mike Spencer, Energy Program Manager, Research & Rural Development, Alaska Housing Finance – Presentation Slides
  • Stephen Trimble, Founder and CEO, Arctic Solar Ventures – Presentation Slides
  • Chris Rose, Founder and Executive Director, REAP – Presentation Slides

Topics included an update on Anchorage’s green energy work, an Anchorage Green Bank, Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (CPACE), solar for homes and businesses, and energy saving ideas for home and business owners.

Land Use and Transportation – February 25th, 2021

MOA Sector Goal: “Improve walkability and connect neighborhoods that employ mixed-use development and diverse transportation options.”

Food Systems – March 25th, 2021

MOA Sector Goal: “Support local, sustainable food systems.” We will have the following presenters give a short introduction to how their work supports the Muni’s goal. 

Consumption and Solid Waste – April 29th, 2021

MOA Sector Goal: “Develop an efficient and innovative solid waste management system that promotes sustainable consumption, recycling, and waste reduction.”

We are all consumers and live in a “throw away” society , yet when it comes to waste, “there is no away”. An efficient and integrated solid waste management system in Anchorage is achievable if private citizens, businesses and government work together to promote consumption that is sustainable while  reducing  the waste stream, increasing  recycling, community composting, and implementing energy collection from our solid waste. 

If your bathtub was overflowing, would you get a bucket or turn off the tap?

Moderated by Suzanna Caldwell, Recycling Coordinator, Municipality of Anchorage – 4-29 ACG consumption and solid waste – MOA


We are grateful to our sponsors who have made this series possible.

And to our partners: